Saturday, June 13, 2009

Why Am I Doing This?

Well the other day I read a friends blog and found it quite entertaining, so I thought why not me? haha..we'll see if mine is as good as hers. Since everything in my life is changing, I figured why not start blogging because that's also something I have never done. 

So here we go----I am Bethany Joy Mathews, a senior management major at Texas A&M graduating in August. I have no idea what I'm doing next..yikes! A little background: I have the best dog ever, from a big fun family, have a wide variety of friends, love outside, rely on my pumpernickel, and LOVE Jesus. 

Lately it feels like everything is changing-oh thats because it is. Two of my best friends were married within three weeks of each other within the last month, I'm about to graduate and move back home, and everyone thinks Im about to be a grown up? Weirdd....I don't like to do what is "expected" but don't want to be a disappointment, where is the balance? Seeking out the Lord's will is a challenge but rewarding.

I haven't dated in a good while, and that's ok. I mean whoever I date will have to be some kinda man because I'm a.. a.. challenge?! haha. I dont mind going with the flow-but I have an opinion, I like to have fun-but I'm not a partier, I love outdoor activities and enjoy friendly competition. 

So here it is, my first blog...who knows when I'll be back...until then :)


  1. A) I strongly believe that our dogs should have a play date. Dooley and Sadie. Already sound like friends
    B) I think we should abandon dating all together and, instead, pick our mates in Lord of the Rings chatrooms?

    Job well done!

  2. A) I think our dogs should have a play date. Sadie and Dooley. Already sounds like a friendship.
    B) I say we abandon dating all together and try Lord of the Rings chatrooms? Just a thought.

    Job well done. :)
