Monday, June 21, 2010

First Day of Summer!

Well happy first day of summer-the longest day of the year!

I haven't blogged recently, and today while I was on the gazelle I was thinking about some things I felt like writing about. Funny thing about a blog is-you dont know if someone is reading it or not--but an audience isn't my priority-just think its fun.

Well week before last I was in NOLA on the Mission Trip with FBCP's youth group. This was my first trip to be the "adult" which was a little bit of a change of pace, because I have grown up in that church and know everyone and vice versa. So when I was asked to drive the van or kids asked me if they could stay up late my primary response was..uhh ask someone who's in charge?! HAH. It was a good trip-definitely one of the first times that I had a concrete example of why I was where I was ---and how God used me. That was a humbling experience. I had a camper in my group who is a Type 1 Diabetic on a pump, very similar to mine. While we were there-guess what-my pump retired, yep you guessed it-just died. So while I was trying to control my inner hysteria, God provided. By the next afternoon I was back in business, with a pump overnighted to me! :) But that 24 hour period that I was pumpless, I had to go back old school--injections-yuck!!...Here's 'AHH HA!' moment. The girl I mentioned previously, the other type 1'r had a minor emergency and had my pump not broken the day before I wouldnt have had the supplies we needed. Her mother would have been flying out ASAP, we'd be making a trip to the hospital, and who knows what all else we would have inquired along the way. Talk about being in the right place at the right time. I have prayed over the past almost 3 years, that God would be able to use my disease as a ministry, and give me understanding to many of the 'whys?' I have encountered along the way. Anyways, it was like God said-you say you're a visual learner, you want to know why?--HERE YOU GO! In that instance I have never been so thankful to be "hooked up", have syringes, remember all the countless articles I have read, and accumulation of knowledge-because I was the instrument. What a blessing to be used!!!

As far as work goes-I had my first teacher workshop last week. The nerd in me loved it-learning teaching techniques, visual examples, hands on manipulatives and all kinds of stuff. Im not saying all day every day was my ideal way to spend a week of summer-but I am saying that it was very interesting, and I am excited to use the new tools I have been taught!!

What else....

The quality of faithfulness has been on my mind lately-from something as tangible as a faithful friend or faithful medical equipment-to recent lessons in Scripture about Ruth and Joseph. In both cases they didn't have the ideal circumstances their whole life, but they were blessed beyond measure for their faithfulness to God. Although I cant imagine being sold by my siblings or having my spouse die and moving to a foreign country-their lives are remarkable to me. How often do we pity ourselves for not having what someone else has? I know I am just as guilty as the next person but-I am reminded that if we will wait-God's blessing is so much better than what we could do on our own. Obviously easier said than done-but gosh those reminders are so convicting and encouraging.

Well for now thats all I can remember that I wanted to write, I know there was more-but I cant remember.

Until next time :)